.. _ClawPlotFigure: *************** ClawPlotFigure *************** For usage see :ref:`setplot` and :ref:`plotexamples`. Objects of this class are usually created by the new_plotfigure method of a :ref:`ClawPlotData` object. .. class:: ClawPlotFigure Attributes ========== The following attributes can be set by the user: .. attribute:: figno : int Figure number, by default the next unused number will be used (starting at 1001). This is usually set as an argument to the new_plotfigure function of a :ref:`ClawPlotData` object .. attribute:: figsize : tuple Figure size in (x,y) as in matplotlib. .. attribute:: facecolor : color Color for the background of the figure (behind the axes). By default (if `facecolor is None`) the clawpack theme tan color is used. For plots to be included in publications you probably want to use `'w'` for a white background instead. .. attribute:: kwargs : dictionary A dictionary of keyword arguments for the figure command. For example:: "{'figsize':[12,5], 'facecolor':[1,0,0]}" would specify that the figure should be 12 inches by 5 inches with a red background. For more options see the `matplotlib documentation `_ for the `figure command `_. .. attribute:: clf_each_frame : bool If True, clear the figure with a clf command at the start of each frame. .. attribute:: show : bool If False, suppress showing this figure. Methods ======= .. method:: new_plotaxes(name=None) Create and return a new object of class :ref:`ClawPlotAxes` associated with this ClawPlotFigure object. A single figure may have several axes on it. The name specified is used as a dictionary key. If None is provided, one is generated automatically of the form AXES1, etc. .. method:: gethandle() Returns the handle for this figure.