Basic Example of Storm Surge from Hurricane Ike

This example contains the data and setup for running a storm surge forecast for Hurricane Ike. The example can be run via:

make all

which should download the necessary topography and storm data, start the simulation and plot the results.

For the example to run in a reasonable amount of time the resolution has been limited to only the first two levels or refinement. If you would like to run at the full resolution matching that which was run in [1] change line 280 in to be:

amrdata.amr_levels_max = 5

There is also additional topography data needed for the region around Galveston Bay which can be obtained from NOAA or by contacting Kyle Mandli. Note also that the observed tide gauge data plotted in [1] was obtained from Andrew Kennedy of the University of Notre Dame.

  1. Mandli, K. T. & Dawson, C. N. Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Storm Surge. Ocean Modelling 75, 36–50 (2014).
