#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Shu-Osher problem
Solve the one-dimensional compressible Euler equations:
.. math::
\rho_t + (\rho u)_x & = 0 \\
(\rho u)_t + (\rho u^2 + p)_x & = 0 \\
E_t + (u (E + p) )_x & = 0.
The initial condition corresponds to the Shu-Osher problem
in which a shock wave impacts a sinusoidally-varying density field.
This example also demonstrates:
- how to use an arbitrary Runge-Kutta method by simply providing the
Butcher coefficients of the method.
- How to use a total fluctuation solver in SharpClaw
- How to use characteristic decomposition with an evec() routine in SharpClaw
import numpy as np
from clawpack import riemann
from clawpack.riemann.euler_with_efix_1D_constants import density, momentum, energy, num_eqn
gamma = 1.4 # Ratio of specific heats
# Coefficients of Runge-Kutta method
a = np.array([[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[.3772689153313680, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[.3772689153313680, .3772689153313680, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[.2429952205373960, .2429952205373960, .2429952205373960, 0., 0., 0., 0.],
[.1535890676951260, .1535890676951260, .1535890676951260, .2384589328462900, 0., 0., 0.]])
b = np.array([.206734020864804, .206734020864804, .117097251841844, .181802560120140, .287632146308408])
c = np.array([0., .3772689153313680, .7545378306627360, .7289856616121880, .6992261359316680])
def setup(use_petsc=False,iplot=False,htmlplot=False,outdir='./_output',solver_type='sharpclaw',
if use_petsc:
import clawpack.petclaw as pyclaw
from clawpack import pyclaw
if kernel_language =='Python':
rs = riemann.euler_1D_py.euler_roe_1D
elif kernel_language =='Fortran':
rs = riemann.euler_with_efix_1D
if solver_type=='sharpclaw':
solver = pyclaw.SharpClawSolver1D(rs)
solver.time_integrator = 'RK'
solver.a, solver.b, solver.c = a, b, c
solver.cfl_desired = 0.6
solver.cfl_max = 0.7
if use_char_decomp:
from pyclaw.sharpclaw import euler_sharpclaw1 # Import custom Fortran code
solver.fmod = euler_sharpclaw1
solver.tfluct_solver = tfluct_solver # Use total fluctuation solver for efficiency
if solver.tfluct_solver:
from pyclaw.sharpclaw import euler_tfluct1
solver.tfluct = euler_tfluct1
solver.lim_type = 2 # WENO reconstruction
solver.char_decomp = 2 # characteristic-wise reconstruction
solver = pyclaw.ClawSolver1D(rs)
solver.kernel_language = kernel_language
mx = 400;
x = pyclaw.Dimension(-5.0,5.0,mx,name='x')
domain = pyclaw.Domain([x])
state = pyclaw.State(domain,num_eqn)
state.problem_data['gamma']= gamma
if kernel_language =='Python':
state.problem_data['efix'] = False
xc = state.grid.p_centers[0]
epsilon = 0.2
velocity = (xc<-4.)*2.629369
pressure = (xc<-4.)*10.33333 + (xc>=-4.)*1.
state.q[density ,:] = (xc<-4.)*3.857143 + (xc>=-4.)*(1+epsilon*np.sin(5*xc))
state.q[momentum,:] = velocity * state.q[density,:]
state.q[energy ,:] = pressure/(gamma - 1.) + 0.5 * state.q[density,:] * velocity**2
claw = pyclaw.Controller()
claw.tfinal = 1.8
claw.solution = pyclaw.Solution(state,domain)
claw.solver = solver
claw.num_output_times = 10
claw.outdir = outdir
claw.setplot = setplot
claw.keep_copy = True
return claw
def setplot(plotdata):
Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
Input: plotdata, an instance of visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
Output: a modified version of plotdata.
plotdata.clearfigures() # clear any old figures,axes,items data
# Figure for density
plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='', figno=0)
plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
plotaxes.axescmd = 'subplot(211)'
plotaxes.title = 'Density'
plotaxes.xlimits = (-5.,5.)
plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d')
plotitem.plot_var = density
plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidth':3}
plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
plotaxes.title = 'Energy'
plotaxes.axescmd = 'subplot(212)'
plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d')
plotitem.plot_var = energy
plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidth':3}
plotaxes.xlimits = (-5.,5.)
return plotdata
if __name__=="__main__":
from clawpack.pyclaw.util import run_app_from_main
output = run_app_from_main(setup,setplot)