:group: pyclaw .. _pyclaw_io: *************************** Pyclaw Input/Output Package *************************** Pyclaw supports the following input and output formats: * ASCII_ - ASCII file I/O, supports traditional clawpack format files * BINARY_ - for reading binary output files containing 32 or 64 byte floats * HDF5_ - HDF5 file I/O * NetCDF_ - NetCDF file I/O, support for NetCDF3 and NetCDF4 files Each module contains two main routines ``read_`` and ``write_`` which :class:`~pyclaw.Solution` can call with the appropriate . In order to create a new file I/O extension the calling signature must match :: read_(solution,frame,path,file_prefix,write_aux,options) where the the inputs are :Input: - *solution* - (:class:`~pyclaw.solution.Solution`) Pyclaw object to be output - *frame* - (int) Frame number - *path* - (string) Root path - *file_prefix* - (string) Prefix for the file name. - *write_aux* - (bool) Boolean controlling whether the associated auxiliary array should be written out. - *options* - (dict) Optional argument dictionary and :: write_(solution,frame,path,file_prefix,write_aux,options) where the inputs are :Input: - *solution* - (:class:`~pyclaw.solution.Solution`) Pyclaw object to be output - *frame* - (int) Frame number - *path* - (string) Root path - *file_prefix* - (string) Prefix for the file name. - *write_aux* - (bool) Boolean controlling whether the associated auxiliary array should be written out. - *options* - (dict) Optional argument dictionary. Note that both allow for an ``options`` dictionary that is format specific and should be documented thoroughly. For examples of this usage, see the HDF5_ and NetCDF_ modules. HDF5_ and NetCDF_ support require installed libraries in order to work, please see the respective modules for details on how to obtain and install the libraries needed. .. note:: Pyclaw automatically detects the availability of HDF5 and NetCDF file support and will warn you if you try and use them without the proper libraries. .. _ASCII: :mod:`pyclaw.fileio.ascii` ========================== .. automodule:: clawpack.pyclaw.fileio.ascii :members: .. _BINARY: :mod:`pyclaw.fileio.binary` =========================== .. automodule:: clawpack.pyclaw.fileio.binary :members: .. _HDF5: :mod:`pyclaw.fileio.hdf5` ========================= .. automodule:: clawpack.pyclaw.fileio.hdf5 :members: .. _NetCDF: :mod:`pyclaw.fileio.netcdf` =========================== .. automodule:: clawpack.pyclaw.fileio.netcdf :members: