.. _amrclaw: ************************************* AMRClaw ************************************* The AMRClaw version of Clawpack provides Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) capabilities in 2 and 3 space dimensions. (The two-dimensional code can also be used for 1-dimensional problems, see :ref:`amrclaw_1d`.) **See also:** * :ref:`amr_algorithm` * :ref:`refinement` Block-structured AMR is implemented, in which rectangular patches of the grid at level `L` are refined to level `L+1`. See :ref:`setrun_amrclaw` for a list of the input parameters that can be specified to help control how refinement is done. The general algorithms are described in [BergerLeVeque98]_. See :ref:`ClawPlotItem` for a list of 2d plot types that can be used to create a `setplot` function to control plotting of two-dimensional results. Some of the attribute names start with the string `amr_`, indicating that a list of different values can be specified for each AMR level. See :ref:`plotting` and :ref:`setplot` for more about plotting. Python plotting tools for 3d are still under development. For now, the Matlab tools from Clawpack 4.3 can still be used, see :ref:`matlabplots`.