.. _setrun_geoclaw: ***************************************************************** Specifying GeoClaw parameters in `setrun.py` ***************************************************************** Since :ref:`geoclaw` is a modified version of :ref:`amrclaw`, all of the parameters that are required for AMRClaw are also needed by GeoClaw. See :ref:`setrun_amrclaw` for a discussion of these, and :ref:`setrun` for a description of `setrun.py` input scripts more generally. In addition, a number of other parameters should be set in the `setrun.py` file in any :ref:`geoclaw` application. See also the :ref:`geohints` for more about parameter choices. It is best to look at a specific example while reading this section, for example in one of the subdirectories of `$CLAW/geoclaw/examples/tsunami`. The function `setrun` in this module is essentially the same as for AMRClaw, except that it expects to be called with *claw_pkg = 'geoclaw'*. This call should be performed properly by the Makefile if you have *CLAW_PKG = geoclaw* set properly there. .. comment The section :ref:`setrun_geoclaw_sample_parameters` The new section :ref:`setrun_setgeo` in this module contains the new GeoClaw parameters. A brief summary of these: Additional AMR parameters -------------------------- In addition to the standard AMRClaw parameters described in :ref:`setrun_amrclaw`, some additional parameters governing how refinement is done should be specified for GeoClaw applications: .. attribute:: rundata.refinement_data.variable_dt_refinement_ratios : bool The default is False, in which case refinement factors in time are specified by the user as usual in the array `rundata.amrdata.refinement_ratios_t`. When True, this indicates that GeoClaw should automatically choose refinement factors in time on each level based on an estimate of the maximum wave speed on all grids at this level. For most hyperbolic problems the CFL condition suggests that one should refine in time by the same factor as in space. However, for GeoClaw applications where fine grids appear only in shallow coastal regions this may not be the case. .. attribute:: rundata.refinement_data.wave_tolerance : float Cells are flagged for refinement if the difference between the surface elevation and sea level is larger than this tolerance. Note that whether refinement is actually done depends also on how various AMR regions have been set (see Section :ref:`regions`) and also on several other attributes described below that contain information on minimum and maximum refinement allowed in various regions. .. attribute:: rundata.refinement_data.max_level_deep : int For simulations over the ocean, it is often useful to specify a *maximum refinement level* allowed in deep parts of the ocean. This is useful if a high level of refinement is specified on some rectangular region but only the parts of this region near the shore actually need to be refined. .. attribute:: rundata.refinement_data.max_level_deep : float The deepness that triggers the refinement limitation imposed by `max_level_deep` above. .. _setrun_geo: General geo parameters ---------------------- `rundata.geo_data` has the following additional attributes: .. attribute:: gravity : float gravitational constant in m/s**2, e.g. *gravity = 9.81*. .. attribute:: coordinate_system : integer *coordinate_system = 1* for Cartesian x-y in meters, *coordinate_system = 2* for latitude-longitude on the sphere. .. attribute:: earth_radius : float radius of the earth in meters, e.g. *earth_radius = 6367.5e3*. .. attribute:: coriolis_forcing : bool *coriolis_forcing = True* to include Coriolis terms in momentum equations *coriolis_forcing = False* to omit Coriolis terms (usually fine for tsunami modeling) .. attribute:: sea_level : float sea level (often *sea_level = 0.*) This is relative to the 0 vertical datum of the topography files used. It is important to set this properly for tsunami applications, see :ref:`sealevel`. .. attribute:: friction_forcing : bool Whether to apply friction source terms in momentum equations. See :ref:`manning` for more discussion of the next three parameters. .. attribute:: friction_depth : float Friction source terms are only applied in water shallower than this, i.e. if `h < friction_depth`, assuming they have negligible effect in deeper water. .. attribute:: manning_coefficient : float or list of floats For friction source terms, the Manning coefficient. If a single value is given, this value will be used where ever h < friction_depth. If a list of values is given, then the next parameter delineates the regions where each is used based on values of the topography B. .. attribute:: manning_break : list of floats If manning_coefficient is a list of length N, then this should be a monotonically increasing list of length N-1 giving break points in the topo B used to determine where each Manning coefficient is used. For example, if :: manning_coefficient = [0.025, 0.06] manning_break = [0.0] then 0.025 will be used where B<0 and 0.06 used where B>0. (Subject still to the restriction that no friction is applied where h >= friction_depth.) .. _setrun_topo: Topography data file parameters ------------------------------- See :ref:`topo` for more information about specifying topography (and bathymetry) data files in GeoClaw. .. attribute:: rundata.topo_data.topofiles : list of lists *topofiles* should be a list of the form *[file1info, file2info, etc.]* where each element is itself a list of the form [topotype, minlevel, maxlevel, t1, t2, fname] with values *topotype* : integer 1,2 or 3 depending on the format of the file (see :ref:`topo`). *minlevel* : integer the minimum refinement level that should be enforced in the region covered by this grid (for times between *t1* and *t2*). *maxlevel* : integer the maximum refinement level that should be allowed in the region covered by this grid (for times between *t1* and *t2*). *t1, t2* : floats the time interval over which refinement should be controlled. *fname* : string the name of the topo file. For more about controlling AMR in various regions, see :ref:`regions`. .. attribute:: rundata.dtopo_data.dtopofiles : list of lists Information about topography displacement files, giving perturbations to topography generated by an earthquake, for example. *dtopofiles* should be a list of the form *[]* or *[file1info]* where each element (currently at most 1 is allowed!) is itself a list of the form [dtopotype, minlevel, maxlevel, fname] with values *dtopotype* : integer 1 or 3 depending on the format of the file (see :ref:`topo_dtopo`). *minlevel* : integer the minimum refinement level that should be enforced in the region covered by this grid. *maxlevel* : integer the maximum refinement level that should be allowed in the region covered by this grid. *fname* : string the name of the dtopo file. See :ref:`topo_dtopo` for information about the format of data in this file. .. attribute:: rundata.dtopo_data.dt_max_dtopo : float the maximum time step allowed during the time interval over which the topography is moving. This is assumed to start at time `t0` and to extend to the maximum time that any of the dtopo files specified is active. This avoids issues where the time step selected by the CFL condition is much larger than the time scale over which the topography changes. You must also set `rundata.clawdata.dt_initial` to the same value (or smaller) to insure that the first time step is sufficiently small. .. _setrun_qinit: qinit data file parameters ------------------------------- A modification to the initial data specified by default can be made as described at :ref:`qinit_file`. .. attribute:: iqinit : integer Specifies what type of perturbation is stored in the *qinitfile*, see :ref:`qinit_file` for more information. Valid values for *iqinit* are - 0 = No perturbation specified - 1 = Perturbation to depth *h* - 2 = Perturbation to x-momentum *hu* - 3 = Perturbation to y-momentum *hv* - 4 = Perturbation to surface level .. attribute:: qinitfiles : list of lists *qinitfiles* should be a list of the form *[]* or *[file1info]* where each element (currently at most 1 is allowed!) is itself a list of the form [minlevel, maxlevel, fname] with values *minlevel* : integer the minimum refinement level that should be enforced in the region covered by this grid. *maxlevel* : integer the maximum refinement level that should be allowed in the region covered by this grid. *fname* : string the name of the qinitdata file. See :ref:`topo` for information about the format of data in this file. See :ref:`qinit_file` for more details about the format. .. _setrun_regions: AMR refinement region parameters -------------------------------- This is now a general AMRClaw parameter, still available in particular for GeoClaw applications. See :ref:`refinement_regions`. .. _setrun_fixedgrids: Fixed grid output parameters ---------------------------- .. attribute:: fixedgrids : list of lists This can be used to specify a set of grids where output should be produced at the specified resolution regardless of how the AMR grids look at each time. Interpolation from the best available grid near each point is used. This is useful for comparing AMR output to results obtained with other codes that use a fixed grid. *fixedgrids* should be a list of the form *[grid1info, grid2info, etc.]* where each element is itself a list of the form [t1, t2, x1, x2, y1, y2, xpoints, ypoints] with values *t1, t2* : floats the time interval over which output should be written for this grid. *x1, x2, y1, y2* : floats the spacial extent of this grid. *xpoints, ypoints* : floats the number of grid points in the x and y directions (the grid will include *x1*, *x2* and *xpoints-2* points in between, for example). *ioutarrivaltimes* : int **Deprecated feature.** This should generally be set to 0. If you want to keep track of arrival times, it is recommended to use the new `fgmax` parameters described below. *ioutsurfacemax* : **Deprecated feature.** This should generally be set to 0. If you want to keep track of surface or depth maxima, it is recommended to use the new `fgmax` parameters described below. .. _setrun_fgmax: Fixed grid maximum monitoring / arrival times --------------------------------------------- .. attribute:: fgmax_files : list of strings This can be used to specify a set of grids on which to monitor the maximum flow depth (or other quantities) observed over the course of the computation, and/or the arrival time of the flow or wave. This works better than using the older `fixedgrids` approach since it now correctly interpolates when a grid point lies near the junction of two grid patches, which was not always handled properly before. The "grids" also do not have to be rectangular grids aligned with the coordinate directions, but can consist of an arbitrary list of points that could also be points along a one-dimensional transect or points following a coastline, for example. *fgmax_files* should be a list of strings specifying the file names of files that list the points on each grid and additional information required for each grid, as described at :ref:`fgmax_5_2_0`. .. attribute:: fgmax_data.num_fgmax_val : int Should take the value 1, 2, or 5 and indicates how many values to monitor. See :ref:`fgmax_5_2_0` for more details.