Flag regions

AMRClaw and GeoClaw version 5.6.1 (and earlier) allow specifying rectangular refinement regions (see www.clawpack.org/regions.html) in setrun.py in the form of a list that is appended to rundata.regiondata.regions:


This is a region that is active from time t1 to t2 over the spatial extent [x1,x2,y1,y2].

The modified version of AMRClaw/GeoClaw supports a new approach to specifying regions that I propose calling flagregions. This will also support simple rectangles and so should ultimately replace regions in both AMRClaw and GeoClaw. The name flagregions is more descriptive of the function served by these regions and may cause less confusion with other uses of the word "region" in various applications.

NOTE: The class FlagRegion discussed below is currently implemented in a separate module data_FlagRegions.py but should eventually be moved into clawpack.amrclaw.data.

The new way of specifying a flag region in setrun.py is to first define an object flagregion of class FlagRegion, set various attributes of this object (including minlevel, maxlevel, t1, t2, and a spatial extent), and then append this object to rundata.flagregiondata.flagregions. Here is an example:

flagregion = data_FlagRegions.FlagRegion(num_dim=2)
flagregion.name = 'Region_AdmiraltyInlet'
flagregion.minlevel = 4
flagregion.maxlevel = 5
flagregion.t1 = 3600.
flagregion.t2 = 1e9
flagregion.spatial_region_type = 2  # Ruled Rectangle
flagregion.spatial_region_file = os.path.abspath('RuledRectangle_AdmiraltyInlet.data')

Note that the spatial extent in this case is specified by a path to a file that describes a Ruled Rectangle, in this case one that covers Admiralty Inlet as defined in one of the examples of RuledRectangles.html.

Simple rectangles (like the old "regions") can be specified via:

flagregion.spatial_region_type = 1  # Rectangle
flagregion.spatial_region = [x1,x2,y1,y2]  # the extent

For the time being, one can also specify regions the old way and can specify both "regions" and "flagregions" in the same setrun.py. The former are written out to regions.data as always and the latter are written out to flagregions.data, and both sets of regions are read in by code in region_module.f90 and used in flagregions2.f90. The new versions of these files are in this repository in new_fortran_amrclaw.

Possible future enhancements

Other attributes

In the future we may implement the ability to specify different tolerances or even different flagging methods in each region. If so, other attributes such as flagregion.tolerance or flagregion.method could be easily added.

In [1]:
from IPython.display import Image


The code in examples/amrclaw_flagregions gives an example based on the standard amrclaw advecting square example (see plots in the gallery.

This setrun.py file contains the following:

    # ---------------
    # NEW flagregions
    # ---------------

    # Eventually add this to amrclaw.data but for now in data_FlagRegions
    rundata.add_data(data_FlagRegions.FlagRegionData(num_dim=2), 'flagregiondata')
    flagregions = rundata.flagregiondata.flagregions  # initialized to []

    # now append as many flagregions as desired to this list:

    # The entire domain restricted to level 1 for illustration:
    # Note that this is a rectangle specified in the new way:
    # (other regions below will force/allow more refinement)
    flagregion = data_FlagRegions.FlagRegion(num_dim=2)
    flagregion.name = 'Region_domain'
    flagregion.minlevel = 1
    flagregion.maxlevel = 1
    flagregion.t1 = 0.
    flagregion.t2 = 1e9
    flagregion.spatial_region_type = 1  # Rectangle
    flagregion.spatial_region = [0.,1.,0.,1.]  # = [x1,x2,y1,y2]

    # A more general ruled rectangle:
    flagregion = data_FlagRegions.FlagRegion(num_dim=2)
    flagregion.name = 'Region_triangle'
    flagregion.minlevel = 2
    flagregion.maxlevel = 3
    flagregion.t1 = 0.
    flagregion.t2 = 1e9
    flagregion.spatial_region_type = 2  # Ruled Rectangle
    flagregion.spatial_region_file = \

    # code to make RuledRectangle_Triangle.data:
    rr = region_tools.RuledRectangle()
    rr.method = 1 # piecewiselinear edges between s values
    rr.ixy = 'x'  # so s refers to x, lower & upper are limits in y
    rr.s = np.array([0.1, 0.8])
    rr.lower = np.array([0.2, 0.8])
    rr.upper = np.array([0.8, 0.8])

In this example, two flagregions are defined. The first is the full domain specified as a rectangle, with maxlevel = 1 so that refinement is not allowed except within the second flagregion, which is a triangle defined as a ruled rectangle. In this triangle, refinement to level 2 is forced and to level 3 is allowed.

One additional change was to set

    amrdata.clustering_cutoff = 0.95

so that grids cannot extent too far out of the flagregion, for clarity in this simple example.

The initial data is a scalar field with value 1 inside a square and 0 outside, as shown in this contour plot:

In [2]:
Image('../examples/amrclaw_flagregions/contours_frame00.png', width=400)

The figure below shows the grid cells on levels 1 and 2 and only the patches on level 3, which is refined by an additional factor of 2. The blue triangle is the flagregion.

In [3]:
Image('../examples/amrclaw_flagregions/grids_frame00.png', width=400)

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