Index of notebooks describing new GeoClaw features

  • NewFeatures.html - Overview of some new features, with a motivating example.
  • pcolorcells.html - Version of pcolormesh that works better for finite volume grid cells, and application to geoclaw.Topography.plot.
  • RuledRectangles.html - Explanation of Ruled Rectangles, polygons for which it is easy to check inclusion of a point
  • FlagRegions.html - A new way of specifying regions to guide AMR, e.g. as a Ruled Rectangle rather than a simple rectangle.
  • SetEtaInit.html - Specify a spatially-varying initial water elevation $\eta = h + B$ rather than using the single value sea_level everywhere. Sometimes necessary in regions where land is deformed by an earthquake and/or to initialize lakes at different elevations.
  • MarchingFront.html - Tools to select points from a topography DEM that satisfy given constraints on elevation. Used to determine dry land behind dikes and to determine fgmax points or refinement regions close to the shore.
  • FGmaxGrids.html - FGmax Grids - specifying points and plotting results
  • ForceDry.html - Force certain areas to be dry initially even if the topography DEM value is below 0.
  • gridtools.html - Tools to extract 2d uniform grid or 1d transect from 2d AMR solution.

More examples

The directories below have additional examples of using these tools and then setting up and running the Clawpack/GeoClaw Fortran code:

  • The directory examples/amrclaw_flagregions has an AmrClaw illustration using flagregions.
  • The directory examples/geoclaw_test1 has a GeoClaw illustration with synthetic topography; see geoclaw_test1_index.html in that directory.
  • The directory examples/geoclaw_whidbey1 has a GeoClaw illustration with real topography.