pcolorcells for plotting finite volume data

The matplotlib pcolormesh function is often used to plot finite volumen data via pcolormesh(X,Y,Z,...), with X,Y being arrays of cell centers with the same shape as Z. In this case, the last row and column of Z are ignored as explained in the pcolor documentation. The values in X,Y are used as coordinates of cell edges rather than centers and so the data is also displaced from where it should be.

When frames of output are plotted using visclaw this does not happen because the cell edge arrays are used instead, with dimension one greater in each direction than that of Z.

However, in plotting topography using the Topography.plot function of GeoClaw, for example, this had not been done properly.

This notebook explains the issue and a new function visclaw.plottools.pcolorcells that converts cell centers to edges if necessary before plotting with pcolormesh.

This is used in an improved version of geoclaw.Topography.plot.

This notebook also illustrates new functions to carefully choose the dpi parameter and image size to make versions that display well in Google Earth, and to make kml files to display them. These are added to the kmltools module.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
from pylab import *
import sys
from importlib import reload
from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps
In [3]:
sys.path.insert(0,'../new_python')  # location of new python code for importing
In [4]:
import plottools, topotools, kmltools
#reload(topotools) # for debugging
In [5]:
xcenter = linspace(0.5,3.5,4)
ycenter = linspace(0.5,4.5,5)
X,Y = meshgrid(xcenter,ycenter)
Z = X+Y
print('Z has shape ', Z.shape, 'X and Y have shape ', X.shape)

pcolor(X,Y,Z); colorbar()
Z has shape  (5, 4) X and Y have shape  (5, 4)
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1151ca6d8>

Note that only the lower 4x3 portion of Z is plotted above, with edges at the values set in xcenter, ycenter.

Instead we want to compute the edges and use these in the pcolormesh command:

In [6]:
x = X[0,:]; y = Y[:,0]
dx=x[1]-x[0]; dy=y[1]-y[0]
xedge = np.arange(x[0]-0.5*dx, x[-1]+dx, dx)
yedge = np.arange(y[0]-0.5*dy, y[-1]+dy, dy)

pcolormesh(xedge,yedge,Z); colorbar()
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1153b63c8>

The plottools.pcolorcells function

This function will be added to visclaw.plottools to allow passing in either cell centers or edges. You can also pass in any other **kwargs to be passed to pcolormesh.

In [7]:
plottools.pcolorcells(xcenter, ycenter, Z);  colorbar()
plottools.pcolorcells(xedge, yedge, Z);  colorbar()
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x11565f3c8>

You can also pass in 2d arrays X,Y that are either centers or edges:

In [8]:
plottools.pcolorcells(X, Y, Z);  colorbar()
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1157f6c18>

If we reduce the size of Z then X,Y are properly interpreted as edges:

In [9]:
plottools.pcolorcells(X, Y, Z[:-1,:-1]);  colorbar()
<matplotlib.colorbar.Colorbar at 0x1159944a8>

Contour plots

Note that contour plots assume the X,Y arrays are where pointwise values of Z are specified, so it is correct to use cell centers for this.

As an example, define Zbowl to be a paraboloid with minimum at (2,2):

In [10]:
plottools.pcolorcells(X, Y, Z)

Zbowl = (X-2)**2 + (Y-2)**2
<matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet at 0x115aead30>

Plotting topography

When you load a topofile in GeoClaw, the internal represenation has topo.X and topo.Y at the cell centers of the DEM grid, and DEM values should be interpreted as either cell averages over these cells (in principle this is how they are defined) or as pointwise values at the cell centers (this is how we use them in GeoClaw when computing B values for grid cells by cell averaging a piecewise bilinear function interpolating at the cell centers). For more information see the documentation.

The version of clawpack.geoclaw.topotools in Clawpack 5.6.0 uses imshow for plotting topography, unless the Z array is a masked_array, in which case it uses pcolor (which is slower than imshow and also slower than pcolormesh, which does work with masked arrays). Neither was done exactly properly in terms of plotting all cell values and properly aligning them.

The new version uses pcolorcells in both cases.

In [11]:
def topo_cmap(limits):
    topo_extent = limits
    data_break = 0.
    land_cmap = colormaps.make_colormap({ 0.0:[0.1,0.4,0.0],
    sea_cmap = get_cmap('Blues_r')
    if topo_extent[0] >= 0.0:
        cmap = land_cmap
        norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0.0, vmax=topo_extent[1])
    elif topo_extent[1] <= 0.0:
        cmap = sea_cmap
        norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=topo_extent[0], vmax=0.0)
        cmap, norm = colormaps.add_colormaps((land_cmap, sea_cmap), 
    return cmap, norm

Sample data:

A small set of 1-minute resolution etopo1 data covering part of Puget Sound around Seattle:

In [12]:
topo = topotools.read_netcdf('etopo1', extent=[-122.8,-122.3,47.5,47.8])
In [13]:
cmap,norm = topo_cmap((topo.Z.min(), topo.Z.max()))

Plot using new version of topo.plot, and add contour plot of shoreline and red dots at center of each grid cell (the values in topo.X, topo.Y).

In [14]:
plot(topo.X, topo.Y, 'r.', markersize=0.5);

We can plot on top of a Google Earth image to check that things are lined up right:

In [15]:
# Expanded extent that include cells centered at the points in X,Y:
x1 = topo.x[0] - topo.delta[0]/2.; x2 = topo.x[-1] + topo.delta[0]/2.
y1 = topo.y[0] - topo.delta[1]/2.; y2 = topo.y[-1] + topo.delta[1]/2.
extent2 = [x1,x2,y1,y2]
if 0:
    # make a kml file to help grab the appropriate image from GE:
    kmltools.box2kml(extent2, fname='region2.kml', name='region2', width=1)

# load image for GE:
region2_png = imread('region2.png') 

imshow(region2_png, extent=extent2)
gca().set_aspect(1./cos(48*pi/180.)) # fix aspect ratio

Plot the data on top of this image:

In [16]:
imshow(region2_png, extent=extent2)
gca().set_aspect(1./cos(48*pi/180.)) # fix aspect ratio

plottools.pcolorcells(topo.X, topo.Y, topo.Z, cmap=cmap,norm=norm,alpha=0.3)
plot(topo.X, topo.Y, 'r.', markersize=4);

Create a kml file with png to view

A new function pcolorcells_for_kml has been added to clawpack.geoclaw.kmltools to create a png file that is suitable for viewing on Google Earth. The new function png2kml can then be used to create the kml file that can be opened to view it.

The png image must be created carefully in order to get it lined up properly and also so that the interfaces between constant colors in grid cells are nice and sharp. The approach taken in pcolorcells_for_kml is to:

  • Use the integer parameter dpc to determine how many "dots per cell" are desired,
  • Choose the image size and dpi (dots per inch) appropriately so there are an integer number of pixels in each grid cell,
  • Plot with no axes or margins so that only the cells are displayed. Any margins would mess things up and result in a non-integer number of pixels in each cell.

The function returns several values that are useful if you want to further augment the plot before creating the png file. This is illustrated later below, but first we use the png_filename parameter to create the png file internally.

In [17]:
fig, ax, png_extent, kml_dpi = \
    kmltools.pcolorcells_for_kml(topo.X, topo.Y, topo.Z, 
                                 png_filename='PStopo.png', dpc=10,verbose=True,
                                 cmap=cmap,norm=norm, alpha=0.5)
Using kml_dpi = 20,figure size 15.000000 by 9.000000 inches
Figure has 30 by 18 grid cells of uniform color
Dots per cell in x: 10.000000,  in y: 10.000000
       These should be integers
Created  PStopo.png

We can now create the kml file that displays this image. Note that extent should be the full extent out to the edges of the grid cells.

In [18]:
kmltools.png2kml(extent=extent2, png_files=['PStopo.png'],
                 png_names=['Puget Sound'], 
Extent:   -122.791667  -122.291667   47.491667   47.791667
Created  PStopo.kml

Augment a plot before saving the png file

In [19]:
fig, ax, png_extent, kml_dpi = \
    kmltools.pcolorcells_for_kml(topo.X, topo.Y, topo.Z, 
                                 png_filename=None, dpc=10,verbose=True,
                                 cmap=cmap,norm=norm, alpha=0.5)
ax.contour(topo.X, topo.Y, topo.Z, [0], colors='r')

savefig('PStopo2.png', transparent=True, dpi=kml_dpi)
Using kml_dpi = 20,figure size 15.000000 by 9.000000 inches
Figure has 30 by 18 grid cells of uniform color
Dots per cell in x: 10.000000,  in y: 10.000000
       These should be integers

Now make a new kml file, also illustrating that you can also specify a list of png files (and associated names) and they will all be displayed together, with a menu allowing you to turn each on or off. Setting the parameter radio_style=True will give a version in which at most one of the png files can be displayed at a time.

In [20]:
kmltools.png2kml(extent=extent2, png_files=['PStopo.png','PStopo2.png'],
                 png_names=['Puget Sound', 'with shoreline'], 
Extent:   -122.791667  -122.291667   47.491667   47.791667
Created  PStopo.kml

Here's a screenshot of the result:

In [21]:
PStopoGE = imread('PStopoGE.png')

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