Go to the documentation of this file.
1 c
16 c
17 c ----------------------------------------------------------------
18 c
19  logical function basecheck(mnew,lbase,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,
20  . nvar,naux,thisBuff)
22  use amr_module
23  implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
25  logical debug/.false./
26  integer ist(3),iend(3),jst(3),jend(3),ishift(3),jshift(3)
27  logical borderx, bordery
28  integer thisBuff
30 c index into alloc from iclo:ichi and jclo:jchi, not 0..leni/j.
31  iadd(i,j) = locm + i - iclo + leni*(j-jclo)
33 c ::::::::::::::::::: baseCheck :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
34 c
35 c baseCheck - check that potential grid mnew is completely contained
36 c in coarser grids at level 'lbase' (>1) that will
37 c stay fixed during this regridding step
38 c
39 c this version tries to do it without using domflags
40 c slower but better if cant afford memory over entire domain
41 c
42 c mcheck is one bigger since for proper nesting, cell must be
43 c at least one away from boundary of a parent grid, unless
44 c on a domain boundary
45 c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
49  levnew = node(nestlevel,mnew)
50  borderx = (ilo .eq. 0 .or. ihi .eq. iregsz(levnew)-1)
51  bordery = (jlo .eq. 0 .or. jhi .eq. jregsz(levnew)-1)
54 c if (debug) write(outunit,100) mnew,lbase,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi,levnew
55 c100 format("NESTCK2 testing grid ",i5," base level ",i5,/,
56 c . " new grid from ilo:hi: ",2i12," to ",2i12," at level ",i4)
57 c
58 c on to initializing for the given grid and its nest checking
59  levratx = 1
60  levraty = 1
61  do 5 lev = lbase, levnew-1
62  levratx = levratx * intratx(lev)
63  levraty = levraty * intraty(lev)
64  5 continue
66 c widen by 1 cell (proper nesting), then project to lbase
67 c this might stick out of domain, fix later
68 c figure out size for scratch storage on base grid for testing
69  iclo = ilo
70  ichi = ihi
71  jclo = jlo
72  jchi = jhi
73  do lev = levnew-1,lbase,-1
74  iclo = iclo/intratx(lev)
75  ichi = ichi/intratx(lev)
76  jclo = jclo/intraty(lev)
77  jchi = jchi/intraty(lev)
78  iclo = iclo - 1
79  ichi = ichi + 1
80  jclo = jclo - 1
81  jchi = jchi + 1
82 c if (debug) then
83 c write(outunit,111) lev, iclo,ichi,jclo,jchi
84 c111 format(10x,"at level",i5," projected coords ilo:hi:",2i10,
85 c . " jlo:hi:",2i10)
86 c endif
87  end do
88 c high end of integer grid index truncates during the divide
89 c if it were exactly lined up with coarser grid it would
90 c not be properly nested, but since we added one to the index
91 c space, we took care of that already.
92 c if (debug) then
93 c write(outunit,108) ilo-1,ihi+1,jlo-1,jhi+1
94 c write(outunit,109) levratx,levraty
95 c108 format(" enlarged (by 1) fine grid from ilo:hi:",2i12,
96 c . " to jlo:hi:", 2i12)
97 c109 format(" refinement factors to base grid of ", 2i12)
98 c write(outunit,101) iclo,ichi,jclo,jchi
99 c101 format("coarsened to lbase, grid from iclo:hi: ",2i12,
100 c . " to jclo:hi:",2i12)
101 c endif
103  if (.not. (xperdom .and. borderx) .and.
104  . .not. (yperdom .and. bordery)) then
105  iclo = max(iclo,0) ! make sure in domain boundary when checking nesting
106  jclo = max(jclo,0)
107  ichi = min(ichi,iregsz(lbase)-1) ! subtract 1 since regsz is number of cells, so -1 is highest index
108  jchi = min(jchi,jregsz(lbase)-1)
109  endif
112  leni = ichi - iclo + 1
113  lenj = jchi - jclo + 1
114  lenrect = leni * lenj
115  locm = igetsp(lenrect)
116  alloc(locm:locm+lenrect-1) = 0.
117 c
118 c if mnew on domain boundary fix flags so ok.
119 c fix extra border, and first/last real edge
120  if (ilo .eq. 0 .and. .not. xperdom) then
121  do j = jclo,jchi
122  alloc(iadd(iclo,j)) = 1.
123  alloc(iadd(iclo+1,j)) = 1.
124  end do
126  endif
127  if (ihi .eq. iregsz(levnew)-1 .and. .not. xperdom) then
128  do j = jclo, jchi
129  alloc(iadd(ichi,j)) = 1.
130  alloc(iadd(ichi-1,j)) = 1.
131  end do
132  endif
133  if (jlo .eq. 0 .and. .not. yperdom) then
134  do i = iclo,ichi
135  alloc(iadd(i,jclo)) = 1.
136  alloc(iadd(i,jclo+1)) = 1.
137  end do
138  endif
139  if (jhi .eq. jregsz(levnew)-1 .and. .not. yperdom) then
140  do i = iclo, ichi
141  alloc(iadd(i,jchi)) = 1.
142  alloc(iadd(i,jchi-1)) = 1.
143  end do
144  endif
146  mptr = lstart(lbase)
147  20 iblo = node(ndilo, mptr) - thisbuff
148  ibhi = node(ndihi, mptr) + thisbuff
149  jblo = node(ndjlo, mptr) - thisbuff
150  jbhi = node(ndjhi, mptr) + thisbuff
151 c
152  ! non periodic case, base level coordinates, just mark if nested.
153  if ((.not. (xperdom .and. borderx)) .and.
154  . .not. (yperdom .and. bordery)) then
155  ixlo = max(iclo,iblo)
156  ixhi = min(ichi,ibhi)
157  jxlo = max(jclo,jblo)
158  jxhi = min(jchi,jbhi)
159  if (.not.((ixlo.le.ixhi) .and. (jxlo.le.jxhi))) go to 30
160  do jx = jxlo, jxhi
161  do ix = ixlo, ixhi
162  alloc(iadd(ix,jx))=1.
163  end do
164  end do
165  go to 30
166  endif
167 c
168 c periodic case: initialize for potential periodicity
169 c each patch divided into 9 regions (some may be empty)
170 c e.g. i from (ilo,-1), (0,iregsz(level)-1),(iregsz(level),ihi)
171 c except using enlarged grid (ilo-1 to ihi+1)
172 c
173  call setindices(ist,iend,jst,jend,iclo,ichi,jclo,jchi,
174  . ishift,jshift,lbase)
176 c compare all regions of coarsened patch with one lbase grid at a time
177  do 25 i = 1, 3
178  i1 = max(iclo,ist(i))
179  i2 = min(ichi, iend(i))
180  do 25 j = 1, 3
181  j1 = max(jclo, jst(j))
182  j2 = min(jchi, jend(j))
184  if (.not. ((i1 .le. i2) .and. (j1 .le. j2))) go to 25
185 c
186 c patch (possibly periodically wrapped) not empty.
187 c see if intersects base grid. wrap coords for periodicity
188  i1_shifted = i1 + ishift(i)
189  i2_shifted = i2 + ishift(i)
190  j1_shifted = j1 + jshift(j)
191  j2_shifted = j2 + jshift(j)
193  ixlo = max(i1_shifted,iblo)
194  ixhi = min(i2_shifted,ibhi)
195  jxlo = max(j1_shifted,jblo)
196  jxhi = min(j2_shifted,jbhi)
198  if (.not.((ixlo.le.ixhi) .and. (jxlo.le.jxhi))) go to 25
199 c mark intersected regions with 1
200  do jx = jxlo, jxhi
201  do ix = ixlo, ixhi
202 c need to mark nesting of orig coords, not coarsened shifted indices
203  ix_unshifted = (ix - ishift(i)) ! back to unshifted coords
204  jx_unshifted = (jx - jshift(j)) ! to mark base grid nesting ok
205  alloc(iadd(ix_unshifted,jx_unshifted)) = 1.
206  end do
207  end do
209  25 continue
211  30 mptr = node(levelptr, mptr)
212  if (mptr .ne. 0) go to 20
214 c output for debugging
215 c if (debug) then
216 c do 34 jj = jclo, jchi
217 c j = jchi + jclo - jj
218 c write(outunit,344)(int(alloc(iadd(i,j))), i=iclo,ichi)
219 c344 format(110i1)
220 c34 continue
221 c endif
223 c
224 c if any zeroes left mnew not nested
225 c
226  do 40 j = jclo, jchi
227  do 40 i = iclo, ichi
228  if (alloc(iadd(i,j)) .eq. 0) then
229  basecheck = .false.
230  go to 99
231  endif
232  40 continue
234 c if made it here then grid is nested
235  basecheck = .true.
237  99 call reclam(locm, lenrect)
239  return
240  end
function igetsp(nwords)
Allocate contiguous space of length nword in main storage array alloc.
Definition: igetsp.f:9
subroutine reclam(index, nwords)
Definition: reclam.f:5
integer, dimension(maxlv) iregsz
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
logical function basecheck(mnew, lbase, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, nvar, naux, thisBuff)
Check that potential grid mnew is completely contained in coarser grids at level lbase (>1) that will...
Definition: baseCheck.f:21
integer, parameter ndihi
global i index of right border of this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:111
integer, dimension(maxlv) jregsz
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
integer, dimension(nsize, maxgr) node
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
integer, parameter nestlevel
AMR level of the grid.
Definition: amr_module.f90:44
integer pure function iadd(ivar, i, j)
Definition: intfil.f90:294
logical yperdom
Definition: amr_module.f90:230
integer, parameter ndilo
global i index of left border of this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:108
integer, parameter ndjlo
global j index of lower border of this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:114
integer, dimension(maxlv) lstart
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
integer, dimension(maxlv) intraty
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
subroutine setindices(ist, iend, jst, jend, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, ishift, jshift, level)
Definition: setIndices.f:6
integer, parameter ndjhi
global j index of upper border of this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:117
logical xperdom
Definition: amr_module.f90:230
integer, dimension(maxlv) intratx
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
integer, parameter levelptr
node number (index) of next grid on the same level
Definition: amr_module.f90:35
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...
Definition: amr_module.f90:21
real(kind=8), dimension(:), allocatable alloc
Definition: amr_module.f90:218