Go to the documentation of this file.
1 c
7 c -------------------------------------------------------------
8 c
9  subroutine qad(valbig,mitot,mjtot,nvar,
10  . svdflx,qc1d,lenbc,lratiox,lratioy,hx,hy,
11  . maux,aux,auxc1d,delt,mptr)
13  use amr_module
14  implicit double precision (a-h, o-z)
17  logical qprint
19  dimension valbig(nvar,mitot,mjtot)
20  dimension qc1d(nvar,lenbc)
21  dimension svdflx(nvar,lenbc)
22  dimension aux(maux,mitot,mjtot)
23  dimension auxc1d(maux,lenbc)
25 c
26 c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: QAD ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
27 c are added in to coarse grid value, as a conservation fixup.
28 c Done each fine grid time step. If source terms are present, the
29 c coarse grid value is advanced by source terms each fine time step too.
31 c No change needed in this sub. for spherical mapping: correctly
32 c mapped vals already in bcs on this fine grid and coarse saved
33 c vals also properly prepared
34 c
35 c Side 1 is the left side of the fine grid patch. Then go around clockwise.
36 c ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
37 c
38 c # local storage
39 c # note that dimension here are bigger than dimensions used
40 c # in rp2, but shouldn't matter since wave is not used in qad
41 c # and for other arrays it is only the last parameter that is wrong
42 c # ok as long as meqn, mwaves < maxvar
44  parameter(max1dp1 = max1d+1)
45  dimension ql(nvar,max1dp1), qr(nvar,max1dp1)
46  dimension wave(nvar,mwaves,max1dp1), s(mwaves,max1dp1)
47  dimension amdq(nvar,max1dp1), apdq(nvar,max1dp1)
48  dimension auxl(maxaux*max1dp1), auxr(maxaux*max1dp1)
49 c
50 c WARNING: auxl,auxr dimensioned at max possible, but used as if
51 c they were dimensioned as the real maux by max1dp1. Would be better
52 c of course to dimension by maux by max1dp1 but this wont work if maux=0
53 c So need to access using your own indexing into auxl,auxr.
54  iaddaux(iaux,i) = iaux + maux*(i-1)
56  data qprint/.false./
57 c
58 c aux is auxiliary array with user parameters needed in Riemann solvers
59 c on fine grid corresponding to valbig
60 c auxc1d is coarse grid stuff from around boundary, same format as qc1d
61 c auxl, auxr are work arrays needed to pass stuff to rpn2
62 c maux is the number of aux variables, which may be zero.
63 c
65  tgrid = rnode(timemult, mptr)
66  if (qprint)
67  . write(dbugunit,*)" working on grid ",mptr," time ",tgrid
68  nc = mjtot-2*nghost
69  nr = mitot-2*nghost
70  level = node(nestlevel, mptr)
71  index = 0
73 c
74 c--------
75 c side 1
76 c--------
77 c
78  do 10 j = nghost+1, mjtot-nghost
79  if (maux.gt.0) then
80  do 5 ma = 1,maux
81  if (auxtype(ma).eq."xleft") then
82 c # Assuming velocity at left-face, this fix
83 c # preserves conservation in incompressible flow:
84  auxl(iaddaux(ma,j-nghost+1)) = aux(ma,nghost+1,j)
85  else
86 c # Normal case -- we set the aux arrays
87 c # from the cell corresponding to q
88  auxl(iaddaux(ma,j-nghost+1)) = aux(ma,nghost,j)
89  endif
90  5 continue
91  endif
92  do 10 ivar = 1, nvar
93  ql(ivar,j-nghost+1) = valbig(ivar,nghost,j)
94  10 continue
96  lind = 0
97  ncrse = (mjtot-2*nghost)/lratioy
98  do 20 jc = 1, ncrse
99  index = index + 1
100  do 25 l = 1, lratioy
101  lind = lind + 1
102  if (maux.gt.0) then
103  do 24 ma=1,maux
104  auxr(iaddaux(ma,lind)) = auxc1d(ma,index)
105  24 continue
106  endif
107  do 25 ivar = 1, nvar
108  25 qr(ivar,lind) = qc1d(ivar,index)
109  20 continue
111  if (qprint) then
112  write(dbugunit,*) 'side 1, ql and qr:'
113  do i=2,nc
114  write(dbugunit,4101) i,qr(1,i-1),ql(1,i)
115  enddo
116  4101 format(i3,4e16.6)
117  if (maux .gt. 0) then
118  write(dbugunit,*) 'side 1, auxr:'
119  do i=2,nc
120  write(dbugunit,4101) i,(auxr(iaddaux(ma,i-1)),ma=1,maux)
121  enddo
122  write(dbugunit,*) 'side 1, auxl:'
123  do i=2,nc
124  write(dbugunit,4101) i,(auxl(iaddaux(ma,i)),ma=1,maux)
125  enddo
126  endif
127  endif
129  call rpn2(1,max1dp1-2*nghost,nvar,mwaves,maux,nghost,
130  . nc+1-2*nghost,ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq)
131 c
132 c we have the wave. for side 1 add into sdflxm
133 c
134  influx = 0
135  do 30 j = 1, nc/lratioy
136  influx = influx + 1
137  jfine = (j-1)*lratioy
138  do 40 ivar = 1, nvar
139  do 50 l = 1, lratioy
140  svdflx(ivar,influx) = svdflx(ivar,influx)
141  . + amdq(ivar,jfine+l+1) * hy * delt
142  . + apdq(ivar,jfine+l+1) * hy * delt
143  50 continue
144  40 continue
145  30 continue
147 c--------
148 c side 2
149 c--------
150 c
151  if (mjtot .eq. 2*nghost+1) then
152 c # a single row of interior cells only happens when using the
153 c # 2d amrclaw code to do a 1d problem with refinement.
154 c # (feature added in Version 4.3)
155 c # skip over sides 2 and 4 in this case
156  go to 299
157  endif
159  do 210 i = nghost+1, mitot-nghost
160  if (maux.gt.0) then
161  do 205 ma = 1,maux
162  auxr(iaddaux(ma,i-nghost)) = aux(ma,i,mjtot-nghost+1)
163  205 continue
164  endif
165  do 210 ivar = 1, nvar
166  qr(ivar,i-nghost) = valbig(ivar,i,mjtot-nghost+1)
167  210 continue
169  lind = 0
170  ncrse = (mitot-2*nghost)/lratiox
171  do 220 ic = 1, ncrse
172  index = index + 1
173  do 225 l = 1, lratiox
174  lind = lind + 1
175  if (maux.gt.0) then
176  do 224 ma=1,maux
177  if (auxtype(ma).eq."yleft") then
178 c # Assuming velocity at bottom-face, this fix
179 c # preserves conservation in incompressible flow:
180  ifine = (ic-1)*lratiox + nghost + l
181  auxl(iaddaux(ma,lind+1)) = aux(ma,ifine,mjtot-nghost+1)
182  else
183  auxl(iaddaux(ma,lind+1)) = auxc1d(ma,index)
184  endif
185  224 continue
186  endif
187  do 225 ivar = 1, nvar
188  225 ql(ivar,lind+1) = qc1d(ivar,index)
189  220 continue
191  if (qprint) then
192  write(dbugunit,*) 'side 2, ql and qr:'
193  do i=1,nr
194  write(dbugunit,4101) i,ql(1,i+1),qr(1,i)
195  enddo
196  if (maux .gt. 0) then
197  write(dbugunit,*) 'side 2, auxr:'
198  do i = 1, nr
199  write(dbugunit,4101) i, (auxr(iaddaux(ma,i)),ma=1,maux)
200  enddo
201  write(dbugunit,*) 'side 2, auxl:'
202  do i = 1, nr
203  write(dbugunit,4101) i, (auxl(iaddaux(ma,i)),ma=1,maux)
204  enddo
205  endif
206  endif
207  call rpn2(2,max1dp1-2*nghost,nvar,mwaves,maux,nghost,
208  . nr+1-2*nghost,ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq)
209 c
210 c we have the wave. for side 2. add into sdflxp
211 c
212  do 230 i = 1, nr/lratiox
213  influx = influx + 1
214  ifine = (i-1)*lratiox
215  do 240 ivar = 1, nvar
216  do 250 l = 1, lratiox
217  svdflx(ivar,influx) = svdflx(ivar,influx)
218  . - amdq(ivar,ifine+l+1) * hx * delt
219  . - apdq(ivar,ifine+l+1) * hx * delt
220  250 continue
221  240 continue
222  230 continue
224  299 continue
226 c--------
227 c side 3
228 c--------
229 c
230  do 310 j = nghost+1, mjtot-nghost
231  if (maux.gt.0) then
232  do 305 ma = 1,maux
233  auxr(iaddaux(ma,j-nghost)) = aux(ma,mitot-nghost+1,j)
234  305 continue
235  endif
236  do 310 ivar = 1, nvar
237  qr(ivar,j-nghost) = valbig(ivar,mitot-nghost+1,j)
238  310 continue
240  lind = 0
241  ncrse = (mjtot-2*nghost)/lratioy
242  do 320 jc = 1, ncrse
243  index = index + 1
244  do 325 l = 1, lratioy
245  lind = lind + 1
246  if (maux.gt.0) then
247  do 324 ma=1,maux
248  if (auxtype(ma).eq."xleft") then
249 c # Assuming velocity at left-face, this fix
250 c # preserves conservation in incompressible flow:
251  jfine = (jc-1)*lratioy + nghost + l
252  auxl(iaddaux(ma,lind+1)) = aux(ma,mitot-nghost+1,jfine)
253  else
254  auxl(iaddaux(ma,lind+1)) = auxc1d(ma,index)
255  endif
256  324 continue
257  endif
258  do 325 ivar = 1, nvar
259  325 ql(ivar,lind+1) = qc1d(ivar,index)
260  320 continue
262  if (qprint) then
263  write(dbugunit,*) 'side 3, ql and qr:'
264  do i=1,nc
265  write(dbugunit,4101) i,ql(1,i),qr(1,i)
266  enddo
267  endif
268  call rpn2(1,max1dp1-2*nghost,nvar,mwaves,maux,nghost,
269  . nc+1-2*nghost,ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq)
270 c
271 c we have the wave. for side 3 add into sdflxp
272 C
273  do 330 j = 1, nc/lratioy
274  influx = influx + 1
275  jfine = (j-1)*lratioy
276  do 340 ivar = 1, nvar
277  do 350 l = 1, lratioy
278  svdflx(ivar,influx) = svdflx(ivar,influx)
279  . - amdq(ivar,jfine+l+1) * hy * delt
280  . - apdq(ivar,jfine+l+1) * hy * delt
281  350 continue
282  340 continue
283  330 continue
285 c--------
286 c side 4
287 c--------
288 c
289  if (mjtot .eq. 2*nghost+1) then
290 c # a single row of interior cells only happens when using the
291 c # 2d amrclaw code to do a 1d problem with refinement.
292 c # (feature added in Version 4.3)
293 c # skip over sides 2 and 4 in this case
294  go to 499
295  endif
296 c
297  do 410 i = nghost+1, mitot-nghost
298  if (maux.gt.0) then
299  do 405 ma = 1,maux
300  if (auxtype(ma).eq."yleft") then
301 c # Assuming velocity at bottom-face, this fix
302 c # preserves conservation in incompressible flow:
303  auxl(iaddaux(ma,i-nghost+1)) = aux(ma,i,nghost+1)
304  else
305  auxl(iaddaux(ma,i-nghost+1)) = aux(ma,i,nghost)
306  endif
307  405 continue
308  endif
309  do 410 ivar = 1, nvar
310  ql(ivar,i-nghost+1) = valbig(ivar,i,nghost)
311  410 continue
313  lind = 0
314  ncrse = (mitot-2*nghost)/lratiox
315  do 420 ic = 1, ncrse
316  index = index + 1
317  do 425 l = 1, lratiox
318  lind = lind + 1
319  if (maux.gt.0) then
320  do 424 ma=1,maux
321  auxr(iaddaux(ma,lind)) = auxc1d(ma,index)
322  424 continue
323  endif
324  do 425 ivar = 1, nvar
325  425 qr(ivar,lind) = qc1d(ivar,index)
326  420 continue
328  if (qprint) then
329  write(dbugunit,*) 'side 4, ql and qr:'
330  do i=1,nr
331  write(dbugunit,4101) i, ql(1,i),qr(1,i)
332  enddo
333  endif
334  call rpn2(2,max1dp1-2*nghost,nvar,mwaves,maux,nghost,
335  . nr+1-2*nghost,ql,qr,auxl,auxr,wave,s,amdq,apdq)
336 c
337 c we have the wave. for side 4. add into sdflxm
338 c
339  do 430 i = 1, nr/lratiox
340  influx = influx + 1
341  ifine = (i-1)*lratiox
342  do 440 ivar = 1, nvar
343  do 450 l = 1, lratiox
344  svdflx(ivar,influx) = svdflx(ivar,influx)
345  . + amdq(ivar,ifine+l+1) * hx * delt
346  . + apdq(ivar,ifine+l+1) * hx * delt
347  450 continue
348  440 continue
349  430 continue
351  499 continue
353 c # for source terms:
354  if (method(5) .ne. 0) then ! should I test here if index=0 and all skipped?
355  call src1d(nvar,nghost,lenbc,qc1d,maux,auxc1d,tgrid,delt)
356 c # how can this be right - where is the integrated src term used?
357  endif
359  return
360  end
integer, parameter dbugunit
Definition: amr_module.f90:293
integer, dimension(7) method
Definition: amr_module.f90:253
integer, parameter timemult
current simulation time on this grid
Definition: amr_module.f90:151
subroutine src1d(meqn, mbc, mx1d, q1d, maux, aux1d, t, dt)
Definition: src1d.f90:2
integer, parameter max1d
Definition: amr_module.f90:181
subroutine qad(valbig, mitot, mjtot, nvar, svdflx, qc1d, lenbc, lratiox, lratioy, hx, hy, maux, aux, auxc1d, delt, mptr)
For each coarse-fine interface, a Riemann problem between an inner ghost cell value on the fine grid ...
Definition: qad.f:12
integer, dimension(nsize, maxgr) node
Definition: amr_module.f90:198
integer, parameter nestlevel
AMR level of the grid.
Definition: amr_module.f90:44
real(kind=8), dimension(rsize, maxgr) rnode
Definition: amr_module.f90:193
integer, parameter maxaux
Definition: amr_module.f90:184
subroutine rpn2(ixy, maxm, meqn, mwaves, maux, mbc, mx, ql, qr, auxl, auxr, wave, s, amdq, apdq)
Definition: rpn2from1d.f:7
character(len=10), dimension(:), allocatable auxtype
Definition: amr_module.f90:252
integer nghost
Definition: amr_module.f90:232
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...
Definition: amr_module.f90:21
integer mwaves
Definition: amr_module.f90:253