Go to the documentation of this file.
1 ! :::::::::: bc2amr ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;
31 ! This figure below does not work with doxygen
32 ! the picture is the following:
33 ! ____________________________________________________
34 !
35 ! _____________________ (xupper,yupper)
36 ! | |
37 ! ____|____ (xhi_patch,yhi_patch)
38 ! | | | |
39 ! | | | |
40 ! | | | |
41 ! |___|____| |
42 ! (xlo_patch,ylo_patch) | |
43 ! | |
44 ! |_____________________|
45 ! (xlower,ylower)
46 ! ____________________________________________________
47 !!
48 !!
52 ! as in the figure above,
53 !
82 ! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;
84 c
85 c ------------------------------------------------------------------
86 c
87  subroutine bc2amr(val,aux,nrow,ncol,meqn,naux,
88  1 hx, hy, level, time,
89  2 xlo_patch, xhi_patch, ylo_patch,yhi_patch)
91 c
92 c
97  implicit none
99  real*8 val(meqn,nrow,ncol), aux(naux,nrow,ncol)
100  integer nrow,ncol,meqn,naux,level
101  real*8 hx,hy,time, hxmarg, hymarg
102  real*8 xlo_patch,xhi_patch,ylo_patch,yhi_patch
103  integer nxl,nxr,ibeg,nyb,nyt,jbeg,i,j,m
106  hxmarg = hx*.01
107  hymarg = hy*.01
109  if (xperdom .and. (yperdom .or. spheredom)) go to 499
110 c
111 c
112 c-------------------------------------------------------
113 c # left boundary:
114 c-------------------------------------------------------
115  if (xlo_patch .ge. xlower-hxmarg) then
116 c # not a physical boundary -- no cells at this edge lies
117 c # outside the physical bndry.
118 c # values are set elsewhere in amr code.
119  go to 199
120  endif
121 c
122 c # number of grid cells from this patch lying outside physical domain:
123  nxl = (xlower+hxmarg-xlo_patch)/hx
124 c
125  go to (100,110,120,130) mthbc(1)+1
126 c
127  100 continue
128 c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output
129  write(6,*)
130  & '*** ERROR *** mthbc(1)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2amr'
131  stop
132  go to 199
133 c
134  110 continue
135 c # zero-order extrapolation:
136  do 115 j = 1,ncol
137  do 115 i=1,nxl
138  do 115 m=1,meqn
139  val(m,i,j) = val(m,nxl+1,j)
140  115 continue
141  go to 199
143  120 continue
144 c # periodic: handled elsewhere in amr
145  go to 199
147  130 continue
148 c # solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x):
149  do 135 j = 1,ncol
150  do 135 i=1,nxl
151  do 135 m=1,meqn
152  val(m,i,j) = val(m,2*nxl+1-i,j)
153  135 continue
154 c # negate the normal velocity:
155  do 136 j = 1,ncol
156  do 136 i=1,nxl
157  val(2,i,j) = -val(2,i,j)
158  136 continue
159  go to 199
161  199 continue
162 c
163 c-------------------------------------------------------
164 c # right boundary:
165 c-------------------------------------------------------
166  if (xhi_patch .le. xupper+hxmarg) then
167 c # not a physical boundary -- no cells at this edge lies
168 c # outside the physical bndry.
169 c # values are set elsewhere in amr code.
170  go to 299
171  endif
172 c
173 c # number of grid cells lying outside physical domain:
174  nxr = (xhi_patch - xupper + hxmarg)/hx
175  ibeg = max0(nrow-nxr+1, 1)
176 c
177  go to (200,210,220,230) mthbc(2)+1
178 c
179  200 continue
180 c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output
181  write(6,*)
182  & '*** ERROR *** mthbc(2)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2amr'
183  stop
184  go to 299
186  210 continue
187 c # zero-order extrapolation:
188  do 215 j = 1,ncol
189  do 215 i=ibeg,nrow
190  do 215 m=1,meqn
191  val(m,i,j) = val(m,ibeg-1,j)
192  215 continue
193  go to 299
195  220 continue
196 c # periodic: handled elsewhere in amr
197  go to 299
199  230 continue
200 c # solid wall (assumes 2'nd component is velocity or momentum in x):
201  do 235 j = 1,ncol
202  do 235 i=ibeg,nrow
203  do 235 m=1,meqn
204  val(m,i,j) = val(m,2*ibeg-1-i,j)
205  235 continue
206 c # negate the normal velocity:
207  do 236 j = 1,ncol
208  do 236 i=ibeg,nrow
209  val(2,i,j) = -val(2,i,j)
210  236 continue
211  go to 299
213  299 continue
214 c
215 c-------------------------------------------------------
216 c # bottom boundary:
217 c-------------------------------------------------------
218  if (ylo_patch .ge. ylower-hymarg) then
219 c # not a physical boundary -- no cells at this edge lies
220 c # outside the physical bndry.
221 c # values are set elsewhere in amr code.
222  go to 399
223  endif
224 c
225 c # number of grid cells lying outside physical domain:
226  nyb = (ylower+hymarg-ylo_patch)/hy
227 c
228  go to (300,310,320,330) mthbc(3)+1
229 c
230  300 continue
231 c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output
232  write(6,*)
233  & '*** ERROR *** mthbc(3)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2amr'
234  stop
235  go to 399
236 c
237  310 continue
238 c # zero-order extrapolation:
239  do 315 j=1,nyb
240  do 315 i=1,nrow
241  do 315 m=1,meqn
242  val(m,i,j) = val(m,i,nyb+1)
243  315 continue
244  go to 399
246  320 continue
247 c # periodic: handled elsewhere in amr
248  go to 399
250  330 continue
251 c # solid wall (assumes 3'rd component is velocity or momentum in y):
252  do 335 j=1,nyb
253  do 335 i=1,nrow
254  do 335 m=1,meqn
255  val(m,i,j) = val(m,i,2*nyb+1-j)
256  335 continue
257 c # negate the normal velocity:
258  do 336 j=1,nyb
259  do 336 i=1,nrow
260  val(3,i,j) = -val(3,i,j)
261  336 continue
262  go to 399
264  399 continue
265 c
266 c-------------------------------------------------------
267 c # top boundary:
268 c-------------------------------------------------------
269  if (yhi_patch .le. yupper+hymarg) then
270 c # not a physical boundary -- no cells at this edge lies
271 c # outside the physical bndry.
272 c # values are set elsewhere in amr code.
273  go to 499
274  endif
275 c
276 c # number of grid cells lying outside physical domain:
277  nyt = (yhi_patch - yupper + hymarg)/hy
278  jbeg = max0(ncol-nyt+1, 1)
279 c
280  go to (400,410,420,430) mthbc(4)+1
281 c
282  400 continue
283 c # user-specified boundary conditions go here in place of error output
284  write(6,*)
285  & '*** ERROR *** mthbc(4)=0 and no BCs specified in bc2amr'
286  stop
287  go to 499
289  410 continue
290 c # zero-order extrapolation:
291  do 415 j=jbeg,ncol
292  do 415 i=1,nrow
293  do 415 m=1,meqn
294  val(m,i,j) = val(m,i,jbeg-1)
295  415 continue
296  go to 499
298  420 continue
299 c # periodic: handled elsewhere in amr
300  go to 499
302  430 continue
303 c # solid wall (assumes 3'rd component is velocity or momentum in y):
304  do 435 j=jbeg,ncol
305  do 435 i=1,nrow
306  do 435 m=1,meqn
307  val(m,i,j) = val(m,i,2*jbeg-1-j)
308  435 continue
309 c # negate the normal velocity:
310  do 436 j=jbeg,ncol
311  do 436 i=1,nrow
312  val(3,i,j) = -val(3,i,j)
313  436 continue
314  go to 499
316  499 continue
318  return
319  end
subroutine bc2amr(val, aux, nrow, ncol, meqn, naux,
Take a grid patch with mesh widths hx,hy, of dimensions nrow by ncol, and set the values of any piece...
Definition: bc2amr.f:88
real(kind=8) xupper
Definition: amr_module.f90:231
real(kind=8) xlower
Definition: amr_module.f90:231
logical yperdom
Definition: amr_module.f90:230
real(kind=8) yupper
Definition: amr_module.f90:231
real(kind=8) ylower
Definition: amr_module.f90:231
logical spheredom
Definition: amr_module.f90:230
logical xperdom
Definition: amr_module.f90:230
integer, dimension(4) mthbc
Definition: amr_module.f90:232
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...
Definition: amr_module.f90:21