smartbis.f File Reference

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subroutine smartbis (badpts, npts, cutoff, numptc, nclust, lbase, intcorn, idim, jdim)
 Smart bisect rectangles until cutoff reached for each. More...

Function/Subroutine Documentation

◆ smartbis()

subroutine smartbis ( dimension(2,npts)  badpts,
integer, dimension(maxcl)  numptc,
integer  nclust,
dimension(nsize,maxcl)  intcorn,

Smart bisect rectangles until cutoff reached for each.

replaced old bisection routine that cut all grids in half. now look for good place to do the cut, based on holes or signatures.

Reference: Berger, M.J., Rigoutsos, I., 1991. An Algorithm for Point Clustering and Grid Generation. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. 21, 1278–1286

[in,out]badptsx,y centered coordinate of all flagged cells. At output, cells for each cluster are stored consecutively in this array.
[in]nptsnumber of flagged cells
[in]cutoffrequired minimum efficiency of each cluster grid
[out]numptcnumber of cells in each cluster (grid)
[out]nclustnumber of clusters
[in]lbasebase level of current refinement
[out]intcornSome information of each generated cluster (grid)
[in]idimregion size (in number of cells) for current AMR level in i direction
[out]idimregion size (in number of cells) for current AMR level in i direction

Definition at line 27 of file smartbis.f.

References findcut(), amr_module::gprint, amr_module::maxcl, moment(), amr_module::nsize, amr_module::outunit, signs(), and amr_module::vertical.

Referenced by grdfit().

27 c 1 lbase,intcorn,iscr,jscr,idim,jdim)
28 c
29 c iscr, jscr now stackbased, no need for use of alloc
30 c
31  use amr_module
32  implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
34  dimension badpts(2,npts),intcorn(nsize,maxcl)
35 c
36 c iscr, jscr now stackbased, no need for use of alloc
37  dimension iscr(idim), jscr(jdim)
38  integer nclust, numptc(maxcl)
39  parameter(usemin=.4)
40 c
41 c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: SMARTBIS :::::::::::::::::::::::::;
42 c smart bisect rectangles until cutoff reached for each.
43 c replaced old bisection routine that cut all grids in half.
44 c now look for good place to do the cut, based on holes or signatures.
45 c
46 c :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;
47 c
48 c ## initially all points in 1 cluster
49  nclust = 1
50  numptc(1) = npts
52  if (gprint) write(outunit,100) nclust
53  100 format(' starting smart bisection with ',i5,' clusters')
54 c
55  icl = 1 ! cluster iterator
56  ist = 1 ! pt iterator in badpts
57  iend = numptc(icl) ! pt iterator in badpts
58 c
59  10 call moment(intcorn(1,icl),badpts(1,ist),numptc(icl),usenew)
60  if (gprint) write(outunit,101) icl,numptc(icl),usenew
61  101 format(' testing cluster ',i8,' with ',i9,' pts. use ',e12.4)
62 c
63  if (usenew .lt. cutoff) go to 20
64 c
65 c this cluster ok - on to next
66 c
67  if (.not. gprint) go to 15
68  write(outunit,102) icl,numptc(icl),usenew
69  102 format(' accepting smart bisected cluster',i4,' with ',i5,
70  1 ' pts. use = ',e10.3)
71  15 icl = icl + 1
72  if (icl .gt. nclust) go to 200
73  ist = iend + 1
74  iend = ist + numptc(icl) - 1
75  go to 10
76 c
77 c smart bisect rectangle (and its cluster) in best location
78 c
79  20 if (nclust .lt. maxcl) go to 25
80  write(outunit,900) maxcl
81  write(* ,900) maxcl
82  900 format(' too many clusters: > ',i5)
83  stop
84  25 continue
85 c
86 c smart bisection computes signatures, finds best cut and splits there
87 c
88  call signs(badpts,npts,iscr,jscr,idim,jdim,
89  & ist,iend,ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi)
90  call findcut(icl,iscr,jscr,idim,jdim,index,iside,
91  & ilo,ihi,jlo,jhi)
92  if (index .eq. 0) then
94 c if (usenew .gt. usemin) then
95 c icl = icl + 1
96 c if (icl .gt. nclust) go to 200
97 c ist = iend + 1
98 c iend = ist + numptc(icl) - 1
99 c go to 10
100 c else
101 c c bisect in long direction
102 c if (ihi-ilo .gt. jhi-jlo) then
103 c iside = horizontal
104 c index = (ilo + ihi)/2
105 c else
106 c iside = vertical
107 c index = (jlo + jhi)/2
108 c endif
109 c endif
111 c 2/28/02 : 3d version uses this branch only; no 'if' statement.
112  icl = icl + 1
113  if (icl .gt. nclust) go to 200
114  ist = iend + 1
115  iend = ist + numptc(icl) - 1
116  go to 10
117  endif
118 c
119  if (iside .eq. vertical) then
120 c fmid = (index-.5)*hy
121  fmid = (index-.5)
122  idir = 2
123  else
124  fmid = (index-.5)
125  idir = 1
126  endif
127 c
128  itop = ist - 1
129  ibot = iend + 1
130  i = ist
131  50 if (badpts(idir,i) .lt. fmid) go to 60
132 c
133 c point in top half. let it stay, increment counter
134 c
135  itop = itop + 1
136  if (itop+1 .ge. ibot) go to 80
137  i = i + 1
138  go to 50
139 c
140 c point in bottom half. switch with a bottom point that's not yet
141 c checked, and increment bot. pointer
142 c
143  60 ibot = ibot - 1
144  temp = badpts(1,ibot)
145  badpts(1,ibot) = badpts(1,i)
146  badpts(1,i) = temp
147  temp = badpts(2,ibot)
148  badpts(2,ibot) = badpts(2,i)
149  badpts(2,i) = temp
150  if (itop+1 .lt. ibot) go to 50
151 c
152 c done smartbisecting icl'th clusters. adjust counts, repeat bisect stage .
153 c
154  80 numptc(icl) = itop - ist + 1
155  ibump = icl + 1
156 c
157 c bump down remaining clusters to make room for the new half of one.
158 c
159  if (ibump .gt. nclust) go to 120
160  do 90 ico = ibump, nclust
161  nmove = nclust - ico + ibump
162  90 numptc(nmove + 1) = numptc(nmove)
164  120 numptc(ibump) = iend - ibot + 1
165  nclust = nclust + 1
166  iend = itop
167 c
168 c other half of the cluster has been inserted into cluster list.
169 c icl remains the same - need to redo it.
170  go to 10
171 c
172 c done: there are nclust clusters.
173 c
174  200 continue
175 c
176  return
logical gprint
Definition: amr_module.f90:297
integer, parameter maxcl
maximum number of clusters (grids) on each grid level
Definition: amr_module.f90:177
integer, parameter nsize
Definition: amr_module.f90:31
integer, parameter vertical
Definition: amr_module.f90:172
subroutine moment(intrect, badpts, npt, usage)
Compute enclosing rectangle around flagged points.
Definition: moment.f:17
subroutine findcut(icl, iscr, jscr, idim, jdim, index, iside,
Find best place to split the 2D array of flagged points.
Definition: findcut.f:8
integer, parameter outunit
Definition: amr_module.f90:290
subroutine signs(badpts, npts, iscr, jscr, idim, jdim, ist, iend,
Compute signatures of a rectangle Signature is defined as number of flagged cells in each row/column...
Definition: signs.f:17
The module contains the definition of a "node descriptor" as well as other global variables used duri...
Definition: amr_module.f90:21
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function: